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In the event of an untimely death, disability or long-term care event, people often wonder if their family’s financial goals can still be accomplished.  

 Owning life insurance and having appropriate levels of disability insurance coverage are important to create a safety net for your family's finances.  No matter what phase of the financial lifecycle you are in, evaluating your insurance coverage is an important conversation.  Our team guides clients through the insurance planning process, and with our open architecture of product offerings we can help to find the best insurance plan and company for each client's specific needs.

We look to make sure that a life insurance plan is set up to match your specific goals for the product you are purchasing, whether that be term life insurance, permanent life insurance or a hybrid plan. We can walk you through all the planning options and help you make an educated decision on what is the best fit for your family.

Life Insurance

With all the options available in the marketplace today, hiring a professional who can take a nonbiased approach to your insurance planning will assure that you find a life insurance plan that not only properly protects your family, but also meets your budget.  Whether you are a parent of young children looking to purchase your first term insurance product, or looking to do complex estate tax planning, our team has the capabilities and resources available to walk clients through these planning priorities.  We look to make sure that a life insurance plan is set up to match your specific goals for the product you are purchasing, whether that be term life insurance, permanent life insurance or a hybrid plan. We can walk you through all the planning options and help you make an educated decision on what is the best fit for your family.

Long Term Care

An important part of any retirement plan is understanding the likelihood of one or both spouses needing long term care services as they age and what the costs associated with those services would be.  Whether you plan to self-fund or purchase an insurance product to offset the risk, the conversation is important to have with your financial advisor as part of your comprehensive retirement plans.  With the ever-evolving product landscape around LTC insurance, our team stays up to date with product changes and offerings in the marketplace and can help find a product design that can match your specific needs.

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